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Lashes for the Active

I get that going make-up free can be intimidating in a mixed workout, and I’m not against wearing make-up in the gym, but one of my pet peeves is walking into a class in the morning and seeing someone with their full face and lashes on… after work it’s much more common obviously – but before? Aside from sweating through the foundation (think about all those blocked pores), I’d struggle to keep my mascara smudge free as I blink through a sweaty bikram session or spin class.

There seems to be one solution I can totally jump on board with – one which allows us to look slightly more put-together, without having to wake up earlier than sun to do so.

Nouveau Lash LVL treatment is a new form of lash elongation, without the need for falsies. Think of it as a perm for your eyelashes, coupled with a tint that adds a bit of extra visibility. Not painful to apply, the whole process takes roughly 45mins and will last for up to a month (if you’re not in and out of the water as often as I am). Not harmful to the lashes either, the process merely curls them upwards slightly for a little natural boost.

I went for the medium curl with a dark brown tint so that it really wouldn’t be too noticeable. The Dollhouse is a great place to check out this service…


Body Alteration: Pros and Cons by Claire Hastings

A personal piece by Claire Hastings, Australia

Body alteration or body modification – these are the two names used to describe a process of changing one’s appearance. For some, it is seen as a form of rebellion, for others it’s pure art, an expression of individuality. The act of altering/changing/modifying one’s appearance has a lot of possibilities, but the most popular ones are piercings, tattoos, and cosmetic procedures. You can alter your body in less drastic ways, too: by applying makeup, dyeing your hair, and working out.


It’s enough to spend a brief period of time browsing various makeup video tutorials online to conclude that makeup truly is art. Still, there are those who overdo it and wear too much makeup all the time, which not only makes them look fake, but it also hides their natural beauty. At the end of the day, if you let yourself become obsessed with it, and not let yourself go out sometimes without any makeup on, it will become more like an obligation and less like fun. And our only obligation should be saving our health, and enjoying our lives. So, forget about that boring contouring today, and try out that bold marsala lipstick.

Bikini body

We all want to look good in our bikinis, but lean legs, tight abs, and toned arms don’t just appear overnight. We have to work hard to shape our bodies the way we want. We should do our best to keep our bodies healthy by going to the gym a couple of times a week, eating healthy, and drinking plenty of water. On the other hand, there are those who take it to extremes. I had a period of life when I was obsessed with over every calorie I have eaten during the day and spent hours in the gym without eating properly. After some time I realised that I have endangered my health and turned my life into a hell. A boring hell. So I have decided to stop it, start eating healthy and have some cheat days from time to time. I must say I have a lot more self-aware now than ever.

Cosmetic surgery

There are some things that we cannot change naturally, no matter how hard we want to, like the shape of our face and nose, or the size of our lips. This is where plastic surgery steps in and saves the day. Cosmetic surgery can help you get rid of imperfections that have been bothering you your entire life, and it can also improve your confidence. On the other hand, there are also extreme cases of people becoming addicted to cosmetic surgery: they pursue their dreams but end up with irreparable damage done to their bodies instead. Make sure you do your homework and visit only reputable surgeons or cosmetologists and make sure the consultation is thorough. It’s could be that it’s not your body that needs a quick fix, but your attitude towards it.

Piercings and tattoos

Piercings and tattoos have become commonplace amongst today’s many societies. Seen as a way for people to express themselves and be unique. Since they are not a taboo anymore, people sometimes don’t think too long before deciding they want one or the other. In case they change their minds, it’s easy to remove piercings and let the body heal naturally, but with tattoos, it’s a bit more difficult as they are permanent. My best friend once made the terrible decision to tattoo his girlfriend’s name, so after their nasty breakup, he had to remove it. He travelled across the land to find a reliable tattoo removal option, and opted for tattoo removal in Parramatta, but he was satisfied with the results. This way, he made a fresh start. Luckily, technology and medicine have come a long way; so, today we have different medical and laser tattoo removal options. This way, people can have a fresh canvas.

Whatever your attitude may be concerning body alterations, before you decide to do anything, you should think about it for a while and always act on your beliefs. By today’s standards, we follow what we see on tv and in magazines… following trends, do some research as you could get into trouble or perhaps even regret your decision later on in life. Whatever you decide to do, make sure your choice is right, it’s for you, or postpone making the final decision until you are completely sure that’s what you want.