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Make Way for Kold Press – Dubai’s Juice Revolution

Lifting the lid on traditional juicing methods, the Kold Press Juice Kompany started it’s healthy takeover with a focus on fuelling your body with the right ingredients. With it, they’re revolutionising the way your body is able to absorb these required nutrients. I didn’t know this, but traditional juicers use a process that adds some heat and exposes the ingredients to air, two things that cut down on how many nutrients actually make their way into your bottles!

Kold Press Juice Kompany
So for some science…The Kold press method extracts the juice by pressing the fruits and vegetables without adding heat and in a more stable manor (hence the term “cold-pressed”). The pressing process ensures that a rich source of phytochemicals, including live enzymes, are maintained throughout. With this method, Kold Press is able to liberate the natural enzymes from the fibers of the fruit and vegetables, ensuring you get more nutrients per sip than with any other juice! This way of extracting the juice ensures the maximum amount of liquid from the least amount of produce and because the Kold Press does not force air into the juice during pressing, the juice won’t expire as fast either…

Kold Press Juice Kompany

Eat your fruit and drink your veggies!

Coupled with a team of nutritionists and creative chefs, the Kold Press menu has a variety of sculpted raw and unprocessed juices, that I can assure you, are made with complete integrity and love.

Kold Press Juice Kompany
Not only that, the gorgeous glass bottles they come in help ensure that their juices are also environmentally sustainable and 100% recyclable!

Grab yours at Ripe Market, Milk & Honey, Capital D Studio, Eden beach club, H.E.A.T Cafe or why not give them a call for a juice delivery!