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Sea Shepherd Launches in the U.A.E.

Talking to Natalie Banks, head of the newly regionalised branch of infamous global activist’s Sea Shepherd, it’s hard not to get as passionate as her when you discuss the plight of the ocean and the issues these eco-warriors face on a daily basis when it comes to marine conservation, but they have officially launched in the U.A.E., as an awareness group, aiming to unite with governmental organisations here to help drive forward the changes needed.

Sea Shepherd
What does Sea Shepherd do exactly

Sea Shepherd is a marine conservation organisation. Established in 1977, Sea Shepherd aims to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of marine life in the world’s ocean in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and marine species. Sea Shepherd has 12 vessels which it uses to get mainly volunteer crew on the high seas to investigate, document and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities and to stop these operations. By safeguarding the biodiversity of delicately balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.

What are your plans for the U.A.E.

Sea Shepherd in the United Arab Emirates is currently running two campaigns;

Marine Debris focused on the removal of plastics and litter from beaches as well as growing awareness of the sustainable products available that can replace single-use plastics. Sea Shepherd has a strong relationship with suppliers like Keep-Cup that people can use instead of the traditional take-away coffee cup for example.

Apex Harmony, focused on the awareness of shark conservation and the important role sharks play in keeping oceans healthy.

Sea Shepherd UAE is also working on a dolphin conservation awareness campaign with plans to roll these out to both adults and children in 2018.

Sea Shepherd
What are the current issues facing the region?

One of the biggest issues facing marine conservation globally is the issue of plastic debris. Micro-Plastics are even being found in sea salts and in fish which humans then go on to eat. It is toxic and harmful to both marine life and human beings, with the consumption of plastics being attributed to breathing problems, infertility, cancer and even death.

There is also a disconnect regarding the awareness of the benefits marine animals provide humans. Sharks ensure coral reefs aren’t constantly riddled with algae, whale poop actually has been shown to offset carbon in the atmosphere, making the air humans breathe cleaner and healthier.

Sea Shepherd UAE
How can we get involved if we want to?

Sea Shepherd UAE aims to build connections between residents and the local marine life. The organisation is purely volunteer based and anyone with a passion for marine conservation can join. Those interested can send an expression of interest to and they can keep up to date with our activities by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Sea Shepherd UAE.

Sea Shepherd U.A.E.

I’m living in the gorgeous merchandise I picked up at RIPE market, like the Gypsea one piece and hoodie with their famous skull and harpoon logo on it, and I love it when others recognise the effort and high five you mid walk. Get involved people.

Adventure Animals Hotspot travel Winter

Life in the Bay for Christmas

I love South Africa. I’m particularly in love with the southern coastline, from Cape Town to Plettenberg, it’s nothing but blue skies, blue seas and beautiful people!

It feels like Christmas every day here, waking up to the most gorgeous bay views and sea air. It’s amazing how tired salty air can make you, but you definitely feel like you’ve had a long, fruitful (if not too eventful) day. The African sun is relentless too, warm yes, but strong, even when it’s overcast. We welcome the odd splashes of rain.

This sleepy bayside town wakes up for 2 weeks a year to a plethora of surfers, VIP’s and people like us, who are just looking for some winter sunshine, all mingling in beautiful café’s with quaint views, and the same long waiting lists.

The days are spent surfing, shopping, eating and napping, whilst the evenings gather everyone around the BBQ’s. The smell I tell you is fantastic. I’m a vegetarian but oh my…

I’ve been so glad for two particular necessities here, one is Neutrogena’s sun cream and the other, is their chap stick… with the winter winds out on the water raging, my normally semi-coiffed hair hasn’t had a look in this holiday, and it’s been great to let go. Apart from getting the odd eyeball whipping from the baby strands around my face, it’s actually been nice to not care. Sun cream & lip balm

We had a fantastic day out on the water yesterday, venturing out with the ocean safari team with our sights set on finding some whales, (it’s technically out of season but I was optimistic none the less). What we did see straight away was a large seal feasting on a stingray, happily enjoying his well deserved breakfast with the ever-growing fear of the dreaded ‘Robberg Express’ hanging over him. The Robberg express is not the channel between which all the sharks roam as I later found out; it’s the name of a singularly enormous creature that haunts the bay. (May be why I haven’t gotten into the water to surf yet…)Whale Watching

As he rolled on his back, waved at us and promptly sank beneath the waves, we moved on in search of more aquatic wonders. We headed straight for the coastline where we saw a collective of at least 30 bottlenose dolphins hugging the waves in fear of the Express, and followed their movements in the swells for a good half an hour. Dolphin Watching Soaking up the sun from the top deck, with these small, beautiful mammals playing next to us was a moment of absolute perfection. Then we spotted (I spotted and alerted the boat rather loudly) a baby hammerhead shark off to the right, swimming with a small family of indo-pacific humpback dolphins! (These are incredibly incredibly rare – hence my exclamation mark). Dolphin Watching

After what was the perfect way to start the day, we felt it was only right to end it just as memorably. Dinner last night was at a little romantic hotspot called Emily Moon River Lodge… it boasts spectacular views across polo fields and wet lands by day, the ideal place for a sunset aperitif or two! Emily Moon

Anyway, I’m off to enjoy the rest of it now… ☺