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Project Beauty… Period.

“To extend our inner beauty outwards towards others”… a fitting tagline for Dubai’s newest salon, but this time – it’s not talking about just a beauty fix. Project Beauty on Wasl Road (Al Thanyah Street crossing) is the kind of salon you’ll leave with better brows but even better karma!

The concept of Project Beauty is that is supports a unique, life improving foundation in Africa which puts a precedence on both education and dignity. Did you know that in some areas of Africa, girls have to miss school when they are on their period because they are seen as ‘unclean’… especially as a pack of sanitary pads will cost almost a quarter of their daily wages. Compounding the situation, girls can miss up to 8 months of school, because of their period, over 3 years and this hinders their opportunity to achieve any form of qualifications.

UNESCO estimates that almost 1 in 10 girls in the whole of Africa miss school because of their menses…

Scholarship group
Buying period pads in Africa is clearly beyond reach for most young girls in Kenya so Project Beauty operates a one to one system where every 100AED you spend at either The Wax Studio or T’Sume, a reusable sanitary pad is donated to a young girl there. With two portals of operation, The Wax Studio, Dubai’s first wax exclusive salon and T’Sume, the luxurious lounge which doubles as a salon/spa, there’s double the opportunity to help!


Ardmore: The African Art With Heart

Art is subjective, I get that, but you can’t deny the beauty in something that’s so incredibly detailed or defined. I was introduced to a very special South African design studio called Ardmore Ceramic Art through Dubai’s newest arts hub in Al Quoz… Zebra Square Gallery.

Ardmore Ceramic Art at Zebra Square Gallery Dubai

Sitting in a room of their own, beautiful vessels adorned with all the animals of Africa sit proudly waiting for a home. Each piece is 100% unique and can take weeks to hand mould, shape and paint, and you’ll find the artist’s names written on each of their handiwork. The heritage of the brand is equally as special… Christie’s has acknowledged Ardmore artworks as “modern day collectables”.

Ardmore Ceramic Art at Zebra Square Gallery Dubai

Fèe Halsted established her brand on Ardmore Farm in the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains of Kwa-Zulu-Natal, South Africa. Fee then offered other local women the opportunity to become apprentices and train. The heroes in these pieces, the artists, both now men and women, all hail from this province too. The art pieces themselves are so heavily detailed, you’ll discover a new animal or detail on it every time you look. Halstead talks about adding animals as a way of hiding any cracks from her original rudimentary kiln and style of firing the clay, and now they are synonymous with the brand itself.

Ardmore Ceramic Art at Zebra Square Gallery Dubai
Ardmore Ceramic Art at Zebra Square Gallery Dubai

Ardmore is now making a name for itself internationally. Halsted once talked about a treasured silk Hermès scarf she owned. Heavily embellished with the prints of both animals and tropical plants, it was a piece that helped inspire her personal creativity. This relationship has now come full circle, thanks to a recent collaboration between Ardmore and French fashion house Hermès, it’s these South African delicate and detailed designs that now adorn the silk collectables.

Ardmore Ceramic Art at Zebra Square Gallery Dubai

Recommended travel

💭 Wanderlusting: Barefoot Luxury on Your Own Island Escape 💭

Have you ever thought about renting out your own private island? It sounds like a too-good-to-be-true offer right? North Island is one of Africa’s most exclusive private escapes, a mixture of total luxury amidst a tranquil setting. And you don’t have to worry too much about rowdy neighbours or lots of screaming children as there’s only 11 luxurious villas along the shoreline. North Island

North Island is renowned for beautiful white beaches, filigree reefs and the blue, warm Indian Ocean.
The island’s operated by Wilderness Collection and is a sanctuary for everything there. Natural habitats where endangered Seychelles wildlife’s been reintroduced, helping give back some vitality to the Island oasis.

North Island - Indian Ocean Seychelles

North Island – Indian Ocean Seychelles

It’s the perfect place to go and watch sea turtles laying eggs, spot rare animals and enjoy nature at it’s finest, whether it’s walking along magnificent beaches, hiking across the landscape or if you’re more of a water baby like me, it’s got unparalleled snorkelling and diving hotspots.

For those of you who prefer a little more laid back indulgence, relax and go dolphin watching with a private sunset cruise, book a bespoke treatment at the spa, or my personal favourite option, check out the Indian Ocean sunset from the beach-front bar! North Island

Adventure travel

Safari Sunsets

Travelling leaves you speechless but turns you into a storyteller… this particular holiday was actually the tipping point for starting this site. People ask “how was your trip” but there just isn’t enough time to detail my most recent international adventure. I’ve only recently ventured to South Africa and it has quickly become my favourite escape – with Cape Town reigning as the future home of my dreams.


My second trip to Jo’burg has since become my most memorable vacation EVER! We ventured up to Madikwe, just on the Botswana border – only a 4 hours drive with plenty to see on the way. We arrived at the Tuningi Safari Lodge just in time for the first afternoon game drive…

Safari Sunsets

Mind-blowing scenery, incredible close encounters and serene sunsets. Words can’t quite describe just how beautiful these animals are up-close, without cages, without constriction, it’s the only way animals should be seen… wild.

Safari Sunsets

And yes, we saw all of the big 5 too! Elephants in abundance, rhinos (with horns!), lions, lionesses and even a quick hunt, wildebeest everywhere and yes, even a leopard. Not to mention a black hyena, wild dogs (incredibly rare) and lots of gorgeous little warthog babies!

Safari sunsets

Our watering hole (actual one – not our bar) at the lodge was particularly fruitful one evening when a leopard popped her head in for a drink, only to be surprised by a lioness who stood staring, just 5 meters away from her, not moving, not flinching and not even fighting (surprising as they are natural enemies). An unbelievably incredible sighting, even by our guide’s experiences…

Safari sunsetsI can’t wait to go back! There’s nothing more beautiful than an African sunset on safari, surrounded by nature at it’s finest…

Safari sunset