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SOH Dubai

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The Mermaid Treatment

I’ve been feeling a little bit blue lately, mainly because my weekend travel trips have come to a bit of a stop due to moving house last weekend (#priorities)… with work being so busy at the moment too, i’ve been long overdue for a little R&R.

I guess there’s only one way to cure feeling blue and that’s to go green! So there’s no way I could resist a SOH Dubai mermaid treatment!SOH DubaiI mean, its green goo-ey goodness is actually a skin revitaliser – nourishing and oh-so-squishy! Followed by a salty scrub that removes any dryness.

The clay hand wrap then helps to moisturise the skin back to baby softness…SOH Dubai And voila! You’ve got beautifully supple hands again (for the first time in a long time!)