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Phuket Cleanse

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Affectionately describing my upcoming trip to Thailand’s infamous detox resort as ‘fat camp’ I received more than a few giggles from friends and family who asked if a trip to Phuket Cleanse was really necessary. I myself know just how much I’ve eaten over the festive period and I’m not afraid to admit it. Every moment with a raclette or tartiflette up in the Alps was thoroughly enjoyed and to be honest, I didn’t stop enjoying myself when I got back either. I knew ‘fat camp’ would kick me back into shape.

Arrival is fuss-free. Straight in to Phuket airport from Dubai, the transfer to Phuket Cleanse is only an hour away. We landed pretty late, so it was great to be given a very quick run through of the open plan reception/dining/games room and an update on the next day’s activities. Kick starting the trip was a 5.45am wake up call for a 4km hike up to the Big Buddha, but we weren’t quite ready for that just yet…

I’m a fussy eater at best, but armed with a list of intolerances and dislikes, the next morning I ventured into the kitchen… “I’m easy” I said, wary that this almost vegan cuisine would last the 5 whole days of my stay, “I eat egg”. So, there it was, my base protein for the copious amounts of upcoming workouts was to be based around a fair few omelette’s. This may be tougher than I thought.

The days were as easy or as hard as you wanted them to be, ranging from high intensity workouts at the nearby RAW Fitness center to aerial yoga and Pilates back at the villa. I chose to concentrate on cheese-loss and gaining muscle mass as a goal. A whole list of about 10 -12 activities were scheduled out across the venues and you could opt in for extras such as a sunset SUP or snorkel too.

We conquered the Big Buddha hike twice in our 5 days and it was grueling, but entirely worth it too as the sunrise made for an amazing visit, sans tourists. My favourite sessions were the HIIT and Strength classes, separated by about 6 hours each day, I made a point to do both. Throw in some foam rolling sessions, light meditation and a daily foot massage too, there was plenty to keep you busy if you wanted it. If, however you wanted to enjoy some of that 30*C sunshine, the pool in between classes was also a hotspot.

Not only is Phuket Cleanse the most community minded retreat I have ever set foot in, it’s also the eco-friendliest. With a real effort to cull all plastics and notes everywhere around the room reminding you to use bottled water instead of tap to brush your teeth or fill up your water bottles (all provided) rather than buy plastic bottles, it’s ticking all the right boxes.

What I was most surprised at I have to say, was my willingness to try all the food. Save for a few highly spiced options, I was loving the regular breakfast chia and coconut bowls, pak choi and vegetable medleys and even loved the various vegan cheeses.

I’m already planning my post-summer retreat, with or without friends this time as it’s such a great place to really focus on YOU. And I didn’t even miss the wine…


Testing Out: The Platform

We really are spoilt here, with a plethora of programs and places to train in Dubai, it’s quickly become the new fit hub of the region. So what can possibly be missing? Well for one thing – these set ups are often unique to their own studio’s and to get more of a one-stop shop, you’d need to sacrifice your favourite instructors or juice bars to get all your equipment and classes in one place. The Platform offers you a more flexible workout, with its part-studio, part-gym and part-lifestyle space setup.
The Platform

Practising what it calls ‘exercise mixology‘, the combination of efforts helps to build a unique workout blend that will literally have everything you could need under one roof. Featuring 3 core studios… Cycle, Mind/Body and HIIT, but there’s also a dedicated PT zone, Wattbike area and even a climbing wall.

To top it all off, there’s a CRYO facility to help you cool down after one of your sessions too. Offering classes in 30, 45 and 60 min sessions, there’s a very dynamic offering here that will ensure you don’t get bored.


Testing Out: Define Body

I though all barre classes were the same, that there was some governing body that decided which exercises best assaulted all your teeny-tiny muscle groups in one area of the body, at any one given time… and I wasn’t totally wrong. Barre is the name given to a stationary handrail that provides support for people during various types of exercise. Barre work is essentially any and all exercise that uses one, from ballet to booty.Define Body

So why is Define Body so different?

Well not only is their morning class taught by a 7-months-pregnant teacher, who will put all of you to shame working out just as hard as you are in the studio, but it also focuses on a much more cardio-based rhythm of movements. Defined as a “one-stop shop for the tone and length you’ve been looking for”. It’s very much a combination of pilates, yoga, ballet to form a bit of a HIIT workout. Also suitable for the boys…Define Body

The class aims to get your heart rate right up, whilst aiding the toning process with weighted exercises, standing work, and of course seated movements dedicated to working your core. It doesn’t, thank god, require too much dance, i’ve very little rhythm and almost 0 ability to follow direction too. It will however leave you swearing and sweating your way through a 1 hour session.

What does it help:

Develop proper alignment & form
Target all major muscle groups
Create leaner and longer muscle
Improve strength and flexibility
Get and stay in shape


Testing Out: The Most Luxurious Gym In Dubai

Now I know what you’re thinking… why would you need a luxury gym? Surely you’re just going to be worried about sweating on all the nice furniture? Well this is what I thought, I worried that i’d be doing burpees on a white fluffy carpet before I got there. Let me assure you, The Gym, Dubai’s newest fitness hotspot is as high-tech and as white walled as the most luxurious hotel gym, without the hospital vibes. The Gym

I’m not a gym go-er per se, i’m more of a class/sport fan, but an hour with Maxine, one half of The Gym’s founding fitness PT’s, I was sold on the idea of one-to-one training. Not only did I get a much more concentrated session, but because the focus was all on me, I knew that the results would be tailored to fit also. The Gym

We focused on a HIIT workout that started with kettelbell swings, moved on to box jumps, pull up’s and burpees, as well as ladder push up’s and ropes… to name but a few and repeating this circuit twice. The Gym

The gym itself is set up into the different muscle group training areas – from arms, to legs and of course mixed fitness. The Gym

To top it all off, there’s the ‘Muscle Bar’, where you’ll get served with protein shakes, juices and of course healthy food for your post-session recovery. The bathroom too has got to be one of the most beautiful i’ve ever come across! From gilded shower’s to fully stocked parlours, you could get lost in there for hours! The Gym