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Testing Out: SUP Yoga

Now I think of myself as a fairly fit person, with relatively good balance, but all of that went out the window when I was asked to Vinyasa flow through a downward dog on a moving SUP, out on JBR’s early waves. What a great workout!

SUP Yoga is one of those awesome classes where you feel challenged but don’t quite realise just how much your core is working to help keep you upright (dry) until the next day’s ‘doms’. A total mixture of yoga and pilates (yogalates if you prefer) this class is a fantastic way to wake up your weekend. SUP Yoga

Situated off the shoreline of the Doubletree Hilton in JBR, the class is run by their in-house centre Watercooled, where dancer Sophie will take you through a tailored program under the early sunshine. The idea is not to fall in, but I did and in all honesty it wasn’t that bad… bring a towel with you just in case, but on the SUP during the class, all you’ll need is some sunscreen and sunglasses. SUP Yoga

From some strengthening V-sits to shoulder testing side planks, the toughest part of your workout here is to remain on the board itself. Never before have I been so aware of staying ‘grounded’ throughout my practice, which of course is totally ironic as we’re floating around on inflatable boards. SUP Yoga