
Testing Out: Hapi Power Yoga

A cool new hotspot has opened up in Al Serkal (where else) that incorporates two of my favourite things… food and yoga. Hapi is Dubai’s newest power-hangout that houses a mixture of smaller brands, designed to keep you sticking around for longer. With Parkour and a funky new restaurant hosted by local chef, Paul Frangie, to Urban Yoga‘s zen escape upstairs, there’s something for almost every industrial creative in the area. Power Yoga with Urban Yoga Dubai

Not an exaggeration either… though many consider it to be “gym yoga,” Power Yoga is a fitness-based vinyasa practice. An offshoot of Ashtanga Yoga, it has many of the same qualities and benefits, including building internal heat, increased stamina, strength and flexibility, as well as stress reduction. Power Yoga with Urban Yoga Dubai

Whilst all the postures move at a comfortable speed, there’s always room for improvement… with a variety of yogi levels in the class, we’re given options as to our flexibility, confidence and personal practices. Pushing yourself in yoga isn’t about how deep you can lunge, or how far you can bend backwards, it’s about being able to breathe in the postures, not holding your breathe and hoping for the best. Power Yoga with Urban Yoga Dubai

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